
Apr 18, 2010 07:01

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 09:08 Mornin'. #
  • 11:21 Mmm. Coffee. :) #
  • 11:22 Cold. This weather sucks. When's the sun gonna come back? I promise I won't bite! #
  • 12:00 Yay for #Survivorman marathon! :D #
  • 12:18 - Action figures got dusted yesterday. Forgot I had some of these! :) #
  • 12:20 - Look it's Ultimate Wolvie & his Mini-Me! lol. :P #
  • 13:23 "Give me a toaster, or give me death!" LMAO. Oh, ILU Casey Jones. XD #TMNT #
  • 13:25 "I don't know what worries me more; that this actually works, or that Don carries around a pigeon puppet." --Mikey #TMNT #
  • 13:47 Gotta get to work. Uck. #
  • 15:00 - Made a blueberry banana smoothie. Yum. :) #
  • 15:38 Where my tweeps at? #
  • 15:53 Shootin' cans out back with Rob's pellet gun. :) #
  • 20:35 Tired now. Crazy busy. #atwork #
  • 22:15 Home. Time to hop in the shower. :) #
  • 22:43 Watching #ManvsWild. :) Is this survivor day or something? First it was #Survivorman. Not that I'm complaining. Love these shows! :D #
  • 00:18 Should go to bed or something. Yeah. Gonna read a bit more fic and watch #TMNT on YouTube first. XP #
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