
Apr 16, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 07:44 I got 5 hrs of sleep last night. Ohhhhh today shall be fun. #
  • 07:59 Crap. Gotta finish getting ready for school. #
  • 12:47 Work soon. Buuuuuuuuuuuummer! #
  • 13:14 Okay, really leaving now. #
  • 15:29 - Lunch time! Honey mustard chicken sandwich. NOM. #
  • 17:01 Sal & Rob are my mini #ChuckandLarry at work. LMAO. And they're both junior volunteer firefighters. haha. #
  • 19:33 Ugh. The measly 5 hrs of sleep is catching up with me. Tiiiiired. #atwork #
  • 21:07 done. #atwork #
  • 21:42 I SO need to clean my room tomorrow before work. x_0; #
  • 22:08 I'm already looking around my room to see how I can rearrange stuff. XP lol. #
  • 22:09 Watching #LAink. It was better before all the drama, methinks. x_0 #
  • 00:26 I should sleep now.... Or something. #
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