
Apr 15, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 07:44 - Someone doesn't wanna get up this mornin'. lol #
  • 08:01 Gotta get to class. Later! #
  • 13:14 - Mmm coffee milkshake. :) #
  • 14:23 off to interning. #
  • 19:11 I'm hoping I can get out earlier than last night. I have a paper due tomorrow! x_0; #interning #stillnotgettingpaid #
  • 19:19 Anyone know if last night's #NCIS was new or not? #
  • 19:57 1hr to go. :) #interning #
  • 21:02 Off camera. Heading out. :) #
  • 22:33 When they taught me about white balancing, all I could think about was #SG1's, 'Heroes.' "Go balance the white somewhere else!" LOL. XD #
  • 22:34 Crap. Gotta get on that paper. But there's internets that needs catching up on!!! :( *whines* #
  • 22:37 I am SO not in the right frame of mind to write a paper. Ugh. >_< #
  • 22:51 Colonel Cromwell on #InPlainSight. #StargateActorBingo #
  • 22:59 OMG. SAD. #InPlainSight ...oh what? Paper? Right. uh-huh.... #
  • 23:19 My 1 page (double-spaced, thank you!) paper is done. Dunno if it's coherent, but it's done. #
  • 23:36 Watching #CityofAngels. OMG. Love this movie, but it makes me cry. Not a huge chick flick gal, but I &hearts this one. And it has gr8 music! #
  • 23:39 Ooh! Next week I don't gotta go to the state house 'cuz there's a break, and I think I'm gonna go see #KickAss Tuesday! :D YES! #
  • 23:42 GateWorld forum is down. Boo. :( #
  • 23:52 BTW, I just totally bawled my eyes out at THAT part in #CityofAngels. >_<; #
  • 00:07 Holy crap, it's midnight. Need to go to bed. Class in the mornin'. #
  • 00:08 OMG. Robin Dunne on #NCIS! #
  • 00:35 Okay, bed time. #
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