
Apr 10, 2010 07:01

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 09:36 Oh yeah, mornin'. I've had my hazelnut coffee, and it was good. :) I'm officially awake now. #
  • 09:36 The pup is getting his bath this morning. He won't be happy. I'll take pictures. :P #
  • 09:41 Ugh. WTF is LJ having issues today? Grr. #
  • 09:49 - trying to hide. lol #
  • 10:06 - not a happy camper #
  • 10:08 - time to dry off #
  • 11:42 Feeeeeeeeck. LJ is having an aneurysm again, and I wanna post my day 4 for the drabble-a-day challenge! grr. #
  • 13:13 Stressing over classes to take next semester, trying to figure out when I can take classes around work. x_0; Ugh. g2g to work tho. #
  • 15:15 Miserable weather. I'm sooooo cold. brr. #atwork #
  • 15:53 Watching hockey at the bar. :P #bruins #hockey #
  • 22:11 Home! Keep thinking it's Saturday. Just remembered new #SGU!! YES! #
  • 22:49 Almost time for me to watch #SGU! *bounces* #
  • 23:18 Commercial break. But otherwise, I'm intently watching the new #SGU. :) #
  • 23:54 OMG, lol, it's [willnotspoilwillnotspoil]!!!!! XD #
  • 00:19 Srsly incomprehensible fic is getting reviews like 'great story,' etc. WTF? What is the world coming to? #fanficfail #
  • 00:41 Going. To. Bed. 'Night. #
  • 01:00 YAAAAAAAAAAAY, classic #SG1 is on!!! ...what was that about going to bed again? #
  • 01:01 D: "You and Jack were engaged to be married." J: "Excuse me?" S: "What?" #SG1 I &hearts them. :) #
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