
Feb 23, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 08:03 Mornin'. Headin' out to class soon. #
  • 09:57 Got an A on my rushed paper for poetry. Super surprised. lol. #
  • 11:02 Back home between classes. :) Time for lunch and #JAG. :D #
  • 11:13 - Lunch! Think the pup wants some. lol. #
  • 11:32 I love Harm and Mac in "Death Watch." :) Teh angst. #JAG #
  • 11:44 I love it when Bud puts his foot in his mouth. lol. XD #JAG #
  • 12:39 - I am a jeenyus. Just put my hoodie on backwards n got all confused. lol. #
  • 17:48 Gotta get to my gym class now. Later. #
  • 21:16 Home. :) #
  • 22:59 You can say "shit" on cable TV? Srsly? lol. #MenofaCertainAge #
  • 23:16 Watchin' #TheBuriedLife. :) #
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