
Jan 28, 2010 07:01

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 07:46 Urgh. Slept weird. Back hurts. Feck. #
  • 08:08 No time to catch up on tweets. Gotta go to class. Didn't do homework. My books haven't arrived yet. >_<; D'oh. #
  • 10:42 Back from class. Got a call that my interview is canceled, so I don't gotta do that today. *shrugs* Now what? x_0 #
  • 11:02 And now I'm off to Target to get my #JAG season 3. :) #
  • 12:45 Waiting for the intern guy to call me back again. Just talked to him. I'm so nervous! >_<; #
  • 13:01 Shit. Intern guy gave me a # for this dude that I will be interning for...said to give him 5 min to call him... Then am I s'posed to call? #
  • 13:03 Just called. Freaked out. His assistant said she had a message for him to call me when he got back. Phew. #
  • 13:13 Just got off the phone. I have an internship with Capital Television. *freaks out* XD #
  • 13:15 Ok. Calming down. So excited. Back to watching #JAG. XD #
  • 15:46 - Snugglin' in the chair w/his mommy. XD #
  • 17:11 - LMAO. Just realized I could be Anubis in this picture. haha. XD #
  • 17:20 Going out to get sushi with mom to celebrate my internship. :) #
  • 18:26 Waiting for food. It's busy tonight, and there are annoying children running amuck. #
  • 20:32 - *NOM* #
  • 22:02 Catching up on #NCIS I missed last night. :) #
  • 22:50 OMG. They SO did it. haha. #NCIS #
  • 22:53 Bed soon. Tired. Gotta wake up early again. 'Night. #
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