(no subject)

Jan 27, 2010 08:08

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 09:10 Mornin' tweeps. #
  • 12:25 Need to make lunch now. I is hungry!!! And watch #MacGyver. :P #
  • 13:58 I think I'm getting addicted to writing Macfic. :P #MacGyver #
  • 15:52 Gotta go to work now. Ugh. #
  • 21:26 Back from work. Showered. Gotta type up my resume for an interview at an internship place tomorrow. >_< #
  • 22:00 Of course I forgot my phone when I went to work. So no Twitter for me. It was so BORING. #
  • 23:52 Okay, it's almost midnight. I need to be up at 7:30am for class. Need to bed. #
  • 07:46 Urgh. Slept weird. Back hurts. Feck. #
  • 08:08 No time to catch up on tweets. Gotta go to class. Didn't do homework. My books haven't arrived yet. >_<; D'oh. #
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