Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.
- 08:29 Aaaand the fun begins. #school #
- 08:32 - Can't you see how excited I am? Not. ;P #
- 10:48 Home for now. Another class at 6pm. Gonna chill with @ptmjr24 when his class is out around 12. #
- 12:31 OMG. I'm STARVING. #
- 12:58 Jeeze, it's WINDY! x_0; #
- 12:58 About to go see @ptmjr24, lunching, possibly job-application filling, then off to class again! #
- 13:39 At Newport Creamery with @ptmjr24 for my first and only meal of the day. Starved! #
- 15:20 Just gotta outta Target w/@ptmjr24. We filled out job apps and got soaked from the rain runnin' 2 his car. Raining like crazy! #
- 16:09 Hafta go back to class in like an hour. Don't wanna go. :( #
- 19:43 Outta class. Got a txt from Pete to meet at NPC. lol. Waitin' in the parking lot for him to get here. #
- 20:39 I has peppermint ice cream w/jimmies. NOM. #
- 21:11 Home! #
- 21:46 Yay, new #MenofaCertainAge tonight! And I won't miss it! Still haven't watched last week's though. x_0; D'oh. #
- 21:58 Classes went well 2day. My Essentials of Physical Fitness class seems like it'll be fun. Being active in a class helps keep my attention. :) #
- 21:58 Poetry class isn't really what I expected. Thought we'd be writing poetry, not ABOUT poetry. But I like this Prof, so it's sure 2 b amusing. #
- 23:19 Watching #TheBucketLIst. This show is awesome. And I normally HATE MTV shows. #
- 00:22 OMG. Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" song is in the dog show commercial. LMAO! #
- 00:35 Okay, need to bed soon. *yawns* #
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