(no subject)

Jan 23, 2010 08:01

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 08:35 *yawn* Mornin'. #
  • 10:03 u awake? #
  • 10:38 LOL. Whoops. 'u awake?' was not meant for Twitter. HAHA. #fail #
  • 11:02 Goin' to the cousin's. :) #
  • 12:14 In Home Depot w/the cuz looking at tiles. And he just asked me if I was updating Twitter. lol. Hells yeah! #
  • 12:48 Picked up my paycheck. Need to hit the bank! Badly need mulah! #
  • 14:20 Me and @ptmjr24 made a cheap banana cream pie. We used instant pudding and a pre-made vanilla wafer crust. :P Pic later. #
  • 14:44 twitpic.com/z8rmo - PIE! It was okay. Better from scratch tho. #
  • 16:18 Home again, home again, twiddle-dee-dee...or something like that. #
  • 17:18 Hungry. Mom suggested leftovers from her party last night. I'm thinkin' that's a good idea. :) Everyone else is at work. Jus' me and my bud. #
  • 17:34 Ok. Food now. And #JAG. :) #
  • 19:33 I need more #JAG. :( Maybe I'll pick up season 3 this Sunday. Only $19.99 @ Target! &hearts #
  • 00:07 "Nobody kills you but me." Now THAT'S brotherly love. haha. XD #Wolverinemovie #
  • 00:08 As much as I have to bitch about in that movie, it is still entertaining. And so much Hugh Jackman, wearing very little. :P #Wolverinemovie #
  • 00:10 Okay, about to go to bed. Gonna watch #MacGyver, "The Negotiator." :) #
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