
Jan 06, 2010 13:57

So, for what it was, it was okay. I wasn't expecting too much, but I'm still a little disappointed. Going into this, I already knew that Micheal (RDA's character) was going to die, but it just happened so abruptly. I'd been hoping for a little more character development before that happened. And it's sad. :( Aw.
He was getting pretty dark after getting shot, but then he had the moment with the kid, and that was a great moment. Then we see him buying a gun illegally off some guy, set out to find the sniper that's been killing firemen, and in the next scene, all we get is his Chief flipping out in his office, and we hear he's dead. :( Really abrupt. And now I'm sad. :( Aw.

Definitely need to read some happy SJ fic or something to get over this. Maybe happy firemanverse fic would do the trick. :)

actors: rda, movies

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