(no subject)

Dec 25, 2009 08:01

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 09:51 Mornin'. #
  • 11:30 Gotta run to the store for dish soap and soda. Eep. x_0; #
  • 13:54 Just posted the first chapter of my big monster fic! *feels accomplished* #
  • 16:11 About an hour away from Christmas Eve dinner. Which means lots of seafood...that I don't eat. I'll be the one nomming the plain pasta. :P #
  • 18:06 Had some calamari; pretty much the only seafood I eat, and some pasta w/garlic n oil. #
  • 20:01 taj_mahal07 Atleast u'll have a white Christmas! :) #
  • 20:55 Everyone's lounging around now. Stuffed. More food 2moro. Dunno how I'm gonna do it. I say that now, but wait. lol. #
  • 21:07 Okay, now I just want everybody to leave so I can go to my room and relax. #
  • 21:24 Yay, peoples almost gone now. Shower, then relax time. :) #
  • 23:56 About to go to bed. 'cuz y'know, Santa's coming tonight! :P lol. #
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