(no subject)

Dec 22, 2009 08:01

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 09:54 Mornin'. #
  • 11:15 Should I be rightfully bummed that absolutely NONE of my RL friends wished me a happy bday yesterday? :( *is sad* #
  • 11:17 It sounds like Santa's on the roof a tad early.... *looks up* #
  • 12:21 Heading to Target so I can come home, eat lunch, and watch #Sanctuary! :D #
  • 12:30 What was that about leaving, again? Oh right... Distractions! *gets up to start car* #
  • 13:42 I'm back. Time to make my lunch and watch #Sanctuary now. :) #
  • 14:17 OMG. Season one Will seems so wittle! lol. #Sanctuary #
  • 15:00 HENRY! :D #sanctuary #
  • 17:17 Time for dinner! #
  • 18:55 Playing Boggle. :P #
  • 21:04 Yay, new #MenofaCertainAge tonight on TNT! :) #
  • 21:05 Watching The Little Chocolatiers right now. Making me really want chocolate. *drools* #
  • 21:42 Just finished my Secret Santa fic! :D YAY! *does Snoopy happy dance* Now time to edit, then posting. :) Woo! #
  • 23:19 Secret Santa is posted! :) Phew! :D #
  • 00:55 Nose won't stop being runny! Grr. Going to bed. #
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