(no subject)

Dec 21, 2009 08:01

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 08:44 twitpic.com/ucceu - Vrap. Lots and lots and lots and lots of SNOW. Crap. #
  • 09:11 twitpic.com/ucg3c - The little monster buried in snow! He ran staright back inside. LOL. #
  • 09:27 We have over a foot of snow! Ugh. Anyone wanna trade? This snow may keep me from seeing #Avatar today! *whines* #
  • 09:28 But on a happy note, I got #Sanctuary season 1 from my mom. I'm stuck here, so I'll probably be watchin' it. :) #
  • 10:30 FF.net is not sending my email alerts. *growls* #
  • 12:16 twitpic.com/ud8y9 - Cleaned my room and hung up some new pictures. #
  • 13:36 Still going to see #Avatar! YAY! :D #
  • 14:00 Heading out to the movies! Yay. :D #
  • 18:09 Just got out of #Avatar. Visually stunning n just an awesome, epic movie. Loved it! #
  • 19:29 YAY! FF.net is sending emails again. I have loads of 'em now. XD #
  • 19:43 Almost dinner time. #
  • 20:58 twitpic.com/ufs8s - Birthday cake time! :) *nom* #
  • 22:06 Almost finished with my Secret Santa fic! Srsly. :) #sg1fanfic #samjack #secretsanta #
  • 00:02 Signing off. 'Night. #
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