Unofficially tagged by
lifeistoobrevis. ;)
FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do it like a pansy.
1. Who sleeps in bed next to you?
My dog, Chance.
2. What did you last eat?
A brownie. XD
3. What kinds of books do you read?
Mostly the Stargate: SG-1 fandemonium novels, fanfic, and random books that sound good and feature dogs/a dog. :)
4. What are you reading right now?
Fanfic, 'cuz I keep putting off reading Lost and Found after I started and got distracted by the latest SG-1 novel, which was a total disappointment.
5. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
Someplace WARM. With a beach. :D
6. Tell me something interesting that happened today.
Um... I went to Target? Pathetic, eh? That was the most interesting thing that happened.
7. Name one odd item within three feet of you.
Odd? Um... a green monster stuffed animal?
8. What's your current fandom obsession/addiction?
Stargate SG-1 for a while now. :) The only fandom I'm constantly active in.
9. What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Um, skip work?
10. What are you most excited for?
Going to see "Avatar" on my birthday, I guess. And hoping a blizzard that's supposed to hit that day doesn't happen. x_0;
11. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
GateWorld, LJ,, Twitter, email
12. What was the last thing you bought?
Blueberry Eggo waffles, those pore strips you put on your nose, and cinnamon vanilla coffee creamer. XD Random, eh?
13.What do you want right now, off the top of your head?
A new job.
14. What's your biggest procrastination method?
It depends. Usually a combo of TV, fanfic writing (if that's not what I'm procrastinating at the moment), Twitter, GW, and going through fanfic.
15. Are there any bits of childhood you miss?
Lots of friends to play with all the time, spending all day outside no matter the weather, not being attached to technology, no worries or responsibilities, the dogs I've lost over the years.
16. Spring, summer, fall, or winter?
Spring and Summer right now, 'cuz I'd rather not be cold.
17. Say something to/about the person/s who tagged you.
I'm having fun getting to know you on my flist! :)
I Tag: Whoever feels like doing this. Srsly. And meme, YOU'RE a freakin' pansy for calling people pansies for the non-tag tags. So shaddap. XP Burn.