(no subject)

Dec 07, 2009 08:02

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 09:15 twitpic.com/seetq - Lots and lots of snow. Whoa. #
  • 09:35 Today is a day for Christmas shopping, and going to see #AChristmasCarol. #
  • 13:30 taj_mahal07 Yeah, the cuteness keeps anyone being too mad at him when he misbehaves. XP lol. #
  • 13:30 At Asia Grill for lunch. #
  • 13:47 twitpic.com/sfe5j - Too much food. Taking the rest home. :) #
  • 14:37 Heading to Target. #
  • 15:37 Ugh. This is why I hate shopping with my mother. Takes FOREVER! *sigh* #
  • 17:12 Home! Yes. Time for a nice hot shower. #
  • 18:50 Almost time for dinner. Mom made stew and dumplings! :D #
  • 19:22 K, food time. #
  • 23:04 is so jealous of the peoples who got to see RDA in person at the charity event this morning in LA! Why am I across the country?! #
  • 23:55 Bed soon. Class in the AM. 'Night. #
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