reading blues. :(

Sep 24, 2009 09:19

I'm a little more than half way through the latest SG-1 novel, Valhalla, by Tim Waggoner, and I'm sad to say it has yet to really catch my interest.
It's not one of the SG-1 novels that I can hardly put down, sadly. Think I'm gonna be disappointed when it's through.
The point of views only switch between Sam and Jonas, not the entire team like I'm used to, which wouldn't be a problem if the writer portrayed the characters with any depth whatsoever. These characters that I'm so used to reading with great depth, are falling flat. It's seriously disappointing. I've waited so long (it feels like) for a new SG-1 novel to come out, and I expected to much more.
There seems to be too much technical stuff in this novel, and not enough characterization, which is something I love. Frankly, I'm bored reading, but will continue to do so, 'cuz I can't leave it unfinished. I'm crossing my fingers that at least SOMETHING somewhat interesting happens before the end. *sigh*

books, tv: sg1

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