Children of the Gods Final Cut DVD review

Jul 22, 2009 09:15

Okay, so I watched the new CotG last night. Besides the crisper video quality, I think I like the original better.
Putting this behind a cut just in case.... A few things were cut out that I kind of really liked in the original. Sam's whole "reproductive organs" speech was cut, which wasn't so bad, because GOD that line. lol. But so was her "Don't worry, I played with dolls as a kid/GI Joe?" banter with Kawalsky and Ferretti. The only good thing about Sam's intro scene, that I don't think was in the original, was the prolonged looks between her and Jack. XD

Something I don't think shoulda been cut was the Jack/Hammond scene when they first meet; Hammond asked Jack if he's ever thought of writing a book, then the whole "I'd hafta kill anyone who actually read it" thing. That kinda disappointed me, 'cuz I thought it made the "Let's cut right to the point" thing too quick. It didn't really make sense.

I also hate how they cut the "Oh, I adore you already, Captain" thing, and "Shouldn't have had that big lunch." They ruined so much of the tenseness/sarcasm between Jack and Sam that I loved from the original version.

And WHY did TPTB find it necessary for Sam to say "Gerry-rig" instead of "MacGyver" when talking about the DHD on Abydos? Her saying "MacGyver" was like a joke, a little nod to RDA and his previous hero role. I liked that. :(

So, I suppose, all in all, the teeny bits of added/extended scenes weren't golden enough to really make those differences worth it. I choose the original version, but with added extras, such as the commentary, etc, that are included in this DVD. I haven't watched the features or watched with commentary, yet. We'll see how that goes. I'm looking forward to it, so hope I'm not disappointed.

tv: sg1, movies

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