Yay for randomness....

Jan 25, 2009 00:02

Random Meme. Snagged from cavechan.

List 16 random things about yourself, then tag 4 people to do the same.

1. I'm watching Lethal Weapon 2 on TV right now.

2. I think my dog doesn't love me when other people are around. :(

3. I realized I do a lot of things that are OCD. (ex; the way I check my email, how I clean at work, my bedtime routine)

4. I am such a hypocrite sometimes.

5. I went about the day trying to eat healthy and wound up consuming way too much junk food. x_0;

6. I really, really hate my job.

7. My drawing class in college is incredibly boring and basically a repeat of everything I did the first year of studio art in HIGHSCHOOL! >_<; *sigh*

8. I finished my first assignment in Creative Writing before it was even assigned.

9. Two double-spaced pages are not enough to write a short story dammit. I need more space! >_<'

10. I probably won't get to go to New Hampshire this February 'cuz I would have to miss too much school. :(

11. I need to pay my cell phone bill.

12. I love wearing ratty, worn in jeans.

13. 90's pop songs make me all nostalgic.

14. I pretty much always cry when a dog dies in a movie.

15. My left arm keeps getting annoyingly sore after I do my pull-ups when exercising.

16. I want to go out for breakfast in the morning.

Anyone who feels like doing this.

meme, random

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