*throws hot pockets*

Jan 21, 2009 22:52

I'm watching Lost for the first time in...a while. It's the season 5 premiere, and I think I'm only watching 'cuz there was this recap thing on before the ep started and it made me understand what I've missed.

And Hurley just threw a Hot Pocket at Ben, but missed and hit the wall. XD lol. Sorry, that made me laugh.

I just hate how the new episodes air so inconsistently. It's very aggravating and makes a confusing show even more hard to follow. x_0;

On a school-ish note... Had Creative Writing and my Film class today. My CW professor is the same I had for Intro to Lit last semester and he REMEMBERS ME! XD
The film dude seems a bit like a prick so far. We'll see how that goes. And since it was the first class, I'm surprised he kept us for the ENTIRE 2 1/2 hours! x_0; Luckily it's only once a week. Three of my four class are 2 or 2.5 hours. x_0; *twitch* Why do I do this to myself? My short attention span will not survive!!!

Alright, that's it for now.

life: school, life: general, tv

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