Back to school again...and bagel update!

Jan 18, 2009 00:03

Winter break is coming to an end, and I'll be headin' back to start my second semester classes this coming Monday! x_0; I'm a little nervous about getting new classes again. I hope I get teachers I like. My Creative Writing teacher is the same as last semester's Intro to Lit teacher, so there's one I already like. I hate having to adjust to new teachers and classmates. x_0; Eep.

Because of school starting up again, I'm going to have even less free time. Therefore, I am abstaining from joining any icontests for a bit 'till I can work around my schooling/work schedule, or 'till I can be sure I can get my work done and have time for the fun stuffs. I won't stop writing though. I can't, even if I want to. lol. It's an addiction, compulsion, what have you. XP I usually get inspired being in school. heh.

And now, a bagel update!

Chance is 100% back to his usual mischievous self! He doesn't seem to care that he was not feeling very well just a few days ago, and has gotten into some chocolates wrapped in tin foil while I was in the shower after work! *sigh* Oy. It's not like I left anything where he could reach either. The bag was on top of my bureau, a place he most definitely cannot reach. Or so I thought. The little sneak managed to snag the corner of a paper on top of the dresser and tugged on it, knocking the chocolates to the floor. *shakes head* I don't think he got too many though. I was able to snatch quite a few up off the floor when I discovered what he'd done. Sneaky little bugger.

animals: chance, life: school, life: general, animals: dogs

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