Looking back meme

Dec 23, 2008 18:01

Snagged from everyone. :P

You take the first sentence of the first non-meme post of every month this year and list below.
Jan:So, my New Year's Eve started out pretty crappy.

Feb:I totally HATE COX.NET RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so I've been too lazy to really post anything lately, but I do have some happy news.


May:I realize I haven't posted in awhile, and there's really no reason for this post, but hey, I'm still alive.

June:Last night I finished reading Stargate: SG-1 Do No Harm by Karen Miller.

July:First of all... I HAVE THE DAY OFF WORK!!!!

August:So, I finally got to watch Stargate: Continuum.

Sept:Starting school tomorrow!!!!

Oct:Still here.

Nov:I decided to get into longboarding since I miss skating, and my board arrived via UPS today.

Dec:Does anyone else but me get really annoyed when the cable company randomly decides to switch a network's channel number without notice?! >_<;

I am so boring. lol. XP


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