Ten years ago meme

Oct 22, 2008 23:41

Snagged from Deage.


1) How old were you?
Then: 12
Now: 22

2) What was your online presence?
Then: Non-existant
Now: The internets is b-e-a-utiful.

3) Where did you work?
Then: Nowhere. Was in school.
Now: The restaurant. Corner Bistro

4) Where did you live?
Then: Scituate, RI, Grandpa's house
Now: Scituate, RI, our own house

5) Who did you live with?
Then: Mom, Sis, Gramps
Now: Mom and Mom's boyfriend

6) How was your health?
Then: Good.
Now: Still good.

7) Pets?
Then: 2 dogs
Now: 1 dog

8) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/spouse/S.O.?
Then: No one.
Now: Same. By choice.

9) Any kids? Any plans for kids?
Then: Wasn't even a thought in my mind.
Now: Not a chance.

10) What was your worst struggle?
Then: Going to school.
Now: Balancing work/school/life

11) What was your biggest joy?
Then: My dog (Montana), playing with friends, playing sports
Now: My dog (Chance)

....... Where be #12?

13) What did you consider your greatest accomplishment?
Then: Winning my softball games.
Now: Getting good grades and making the decision to go to college

14) What advice would you give your younger self?
Enjoy the simplicity of your life now; don't take anything for granted. Save all your money! Every single penny! You can have a good car when you're older! And don't ever let Montana loose unsupervised!

15) What would your younger self say to you?
"What happened to my dog?" and "What happened to having a life?"

16) Looking back, is your life in 2008 what you thought it would be in 1998?
Hell no, though I don't remember ever thinking much about the future back then.

life: general, meme

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