W00t!!! :D :D :D

Oct 08, 2008 21:55

Turns out I didn't fail the Psychology test I thought I was gonna fail last week after all. Wound up getting a B. :D :D :D Yay. I was so relieved when I got the test back. Phew!

Now tomorrow I've got a math test. x_<; My tutor, Keith, came by yesterday, and we went over the chapter the test is on, so I should be good. I hope.

Gettin' my hair cut tomorrow after classes. :) Ooh, I should do before and after piccies. lol. XP

Also, decorated outside the house for Halloween. XD My mom's not big on Halloween, but me and her boyfriend love it, so we went out and got stuff to decorate last night. She's tolerating us right now. lol. It looks cool. There's a glowing pirate skeleton coming out of the ground in the garden, and an orange Halloween lamp post thing. XD Might be getting more stuff tomorrow. Sweet.

life: school, life: yay, life: holidays

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