tat # 2

Sep 23, 2008 15:54

So, I went and got my second tattoo today after classes. :) It says 'Chance' in fancy script on the inside of my arm, above my left elbow. I got the tattoo because of two reasons, one 'cuz my dog's name is Chance, and he means a lot to me, and two because of the meaning of the word itself.
1.the absence of any cause of events that can be predicted, understood, or controlled: often personified or treated as a positive agency: Chance governs all.
2.luck or fortune: a game of chance.

I'll have a piccie later. :) Right now I hafta go downstairs 'cuz my sister's friend is coming over to help tutor me with math. x_0; Oy. Hate math.


life: cool stuff, life: school

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