work vs. school vs. life

Sep 06, 2008 22:51

I've only been in school for a week and I'm already juggling time between work, school, and my barely-existent social life. It was bad enough when work consumed me, and now I have work AND school. The school bit I don't mind, but really sucks.
My uncle doesn't quite seem to understand that I NEED TIME TO STUDY!!!! If I have school until 1 or 2, he expects me to come to work right after. WTH?!
Only on Thursdays I don't have to work at all because I have three classes spread throughout the day. One from 8-9:15, then 12-12:50, and 7-9:25. Thankfully my 7-9:25 class ends in October, but I'm totally not telling my uncle that.
Right now on Mondays and Tuesdays I'm not supposed to have work, but he was talking tonight about me going in Monday right after school and doing some prep because he can't be there. HELLOOOOOOOOOOO, if you're going to make me come in on Monday, then give me Sunday OFF! Then atleast I'll have ONE entire free day with no WORK OR SCHOOL!!! -_-; Oy.
I need to talk with my aunt about this. She's way more understanding that school is more important.

life: suckage, life: school, life: general, life: work

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