More Metal Gear....and parties!

Aug 20, 2008 09:10

Last night was my cousin Richard's going away party, 'cuz he's leaving for college on Sunday. We got to have Cold Stone ice cream cake. Mmmm. :D :D :D There was lots of good food; ribs, chicken, grilled veggies, even shushi, etc, and we had some fun tossing a football around and lighting the fire. :D The day before I bought some Jack Daniel's wildberry flavored stuff, and Parrot Bay pineapple cocunut drinks. Had one of each. They were good. :)

While waiting for people to arrive, and also later when people were leaving, I played some MGS4. :D hehe. I finished Act 2 and started on Act 3. :D Wahoo! I love this game. And I think I need some Snake icons. :D hehehe.

games, life: yay

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