heat wave

Jun 08, 2008 08:58

Oy. It is so damn hot out. It's gonna be in the 90's again today, and I have to be in a sweltering kitchen. Uuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg. But apparently we're gonna be getting an air condition in the kitchen and see how that works out. YAY!
Yesterday my normally-annoying aunt was awesome 'cuz she brought me a Frosty while I was at work after my uncle (Boss Man) talked to her on the phone and said I kept whining about Frostys. XD hehehe. It was hot goddammit! And I kept hearing Frosty commercials on the radio!
Last night after clean up at work we shot baked potatoes into the intersection with the slingshot. XD It was awesome.
And my poor bagel got very dehydrated yesterday. He's still not acting totally like himself, but I've got him drinking and I may try to give him some Pedialyte. The vet is closed today. *sigh*
Atleast I don't gotta be at work 'till 2:30 today, but I'm gonna die when I'm there, and I'd rather stay home to take care of my pup. :( Poor little guy.

animals: chance, life: general, life: work

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