OMG! I'm watching Star Wars?!

May 11, 2008 23:14

Um, work has been super suckish this entire week. Mother's day weekend was a nightmare. Been working 12 hour shifts ALL FREAKIN' WEEK! *dies* Wanted to walk out on Boss Man lots this week. He's been a jackass. But I did get a teeny bonus after tonight. Yay?
Looking forward to my next 2 days off. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so trying to convince Colby that we need to go see Iron Man tomorrow night. :)
Also looking forward to sleep, though I suppose it won't happen for atleast another 45 minutes or so. I wanna catch up on internet stuffs and read fanfic and work on my own fanfic for awhile. Writer's block has been eating me alive lately. Oy. Also been workin' on a couple icons for contests I'm usually involved in. Haven't had much time for that it seems. *sigh* Work is KILLING ME.
Finally heard back from school, but it turns out I need a letter of recommendation that I do not recall being mentioned IN THE APPLICATION! Arg. Luckily my mom knows a guy who used to be the Dean of the school and is gonna get him to write me a letter. Yay.
Oh, and I'm watching Star Wars.... x_0; x_0; x_0; It's the second of the old ones. And can you believe, I've never seen it? Yeah.... I never cared. Still don't. But there's nothing on tv right now besides that, Forest Gump (which it seems I've already seen a million times), I, Robot (that I just watched 'cuz it was on already), aaaaaaaaaaand... uh, I think that's really it. *blinks*

life: stuff, life: general, life: work, movies

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