(no subject)

Mar 29, 2008 11:10

Well, things got pretty hectic at work all of a sudden. Co-worker is out all week because of a frikkin' FIRST DEGREE water burn! *rolls eyes* He's just being a total baby about it. I got second degree hot grease burns on my forearm last summer and didn't even take a day out. He burnt himself Wednesday night and everyone was freaking out and called the ambulance. Oh PUH-LEEZE! Boss man wasn't there because he was working at the fire station that night, 'cuz if he was he woulda told the guy to suck it up, that it was nothing. *shakes head*
But anyways.... One of the bartenders got fired last night because the wait staff was having a meeting and she flipped shit over something stupid and tried to threaten the boss! Oy. Too much drama.

life: work

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