
Mar 15, 2008 09:59

My Ark of Truth dvd finally came in yesterday! Whoo! Now I just have to find some time to watch it. :) Even though it probably won't make a HUGE amount of sense 'cuz I haven't watched all the season 10 episodes and really need to get started on my dvds! x_0; If I get some time to myself on my two days off then I think I'll sit down and have a little marathon. :) I would watch them with bf but he just started season 8!

And there was something else I was gonna say but I totally... Oh wait! N ow I remember! :D I Am Legend finally comes out on dvd Tuesday!!! SUH-WEET! And it's a special edition dvd too. I'm so excited, that movie was frikkin' awesome! :D hehe.

So, even though work already started out crazy this weekend, I have found a bit to be YAY over. :)

life: yay, tv: sg1, movies

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