The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Dec 26, 2007 22:48

The Good:
Well, I survived Christmas. My mom got me a Garmin GPS thingy, 'cuz I am so navigationally challenged that it isn't funny. XP Something useful and pretty cool. I really wanted a truck, but well, I know that's something I'm gonna hafta get on my own. *sigh*
My sister really liked the present I got her, and that made me happy. :D She's been obsessed with Polar Bears for a little while now, so I did a Google search online, wound up at this site, and adopted a Polar Bear in her name. She said it was very thoughtful and even went as far as saying that it was the best gift ever. And she cried. lol. So I guess I did good. Yay. XD

The Bad:
Hadta go back to work today, since Christmas Eve and Christmas wound up being on my normal days off! Ugh. Only to find out that I'm probably gonna hafta go into work earlier just about every day now, working open to close, because the guy that used to do it won't be able to work anymore. He's old, he's been messing stuff up for a long time, and is now in the hospital because he's been ignoring doctors for so long. So, he won't be coming back to work.

The Ugly:
I'm really, really, REALLY pissed because my aunt told me that she'd talked to my uncle Tommy (aka Boss man) and convinced him to let me have New Year's Eve off, and today my sister told me that now they're saying I don't have it off anymore!!! What pisses me off more is that neither one of them (uncle or aunt) has said anything about it to me yet! Grr!

My mom is saying that Boss man might just have me come in to prep and get out around four, but she doesn't know for sure, or have any say in the matter. I'm so frakking PISSED!

So, I'm sorry Deage (scaperdeage), I may not make it to the party this year after all. :( :( :( I'm still gonna cross my fingers and hope that I can manage to not hafta work at all, or only until 4. But I am so ticked, 'cuz I asked about this in November, and my mom even told my aunt that this is the one thing I do every year and it's like the only time I get to see all my friends together. And I never ask for time off, not really.
I am SO close to just walking out and saying, "Fuck you then, I quit" if my uncle doesn't give me it off. x_x; Urrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhh.

life: suckage, life: general, life: work, life: holidays

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