Profile Meme for Somarium

Dec 30, 2009 09:47

[Character Name] Stephanie Brown
[Canon] DC Comics
[Point Taken from Canon] Volume 6 of Batgirl the third series

[Age] 19
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Totally straight.

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Blonde
[Height] 5'5"
[Other] Any other significant physical features, like missing an eye or something.
[Clothing] Optional. Brief description or link to an image will work~

[Background] Wiki Link!

[Personality] At first glance, Stephanie Brown appears to be an average nineteen year old college freshmen. She's unmotivated in class, regularly sarcastic, constantly in need to impress others, and is still unable to shake her fierce, rebellious streak. She's a girl more street smart than book smart, but even her instincts can and have been taken into question considering how impulsive she is. She's a natural chatterbox and her chatting only tends to increase when she's nervous or uncomfortable, especially if cute boys are around. Steph sleeps in class and hopes to one day actually make some normal friends. She's close to her mother and is rarely lucky when it comes to boyfriends. Overall, she seems pretty average, which is why she tends to blend in with the crowd.

Looking past the constant smile on her face, Stephanie hides the pain of her past experiences well beyond the abilities of an average teenager. The hurdles in her short life have been great - her criminal father's abandonment, a near molestation incident when she was younger, going through with a teenage pregnancy and then giving up the baby for adoption, the humiliation of being fired by Batman, messing up countless times and seeing plenty of innocent people die because of it - it is incredible to say the least that she is as chipper as she is. She's come to terms with her mistakes and knows how to handle the feelings associated with them. Saying sorry doesn't change much, but neither does moping. She continues on constantly because if Steph has one inspiring trait, it is her sheer determination to do the right thing and prove herself.

Despite her tendency to make giant mistakes and generally screw up all over the place, her biggest weakness is her ever-changing, teenage girl emotions. Though she can handle the really bad things as they come along, when little rough patches pop up, Steph has a tendency to overreact in the extreme. When catching a girl making a small pass at her boyfriend, she flies into a rage, making herself completely unavailable to him and ignoring his existence for weeks. After being fired as a vigilante and told to stay off the rooftops and live a normal life, she steals one of Batman's plans for a better Gotham and sets it into motion, leading to the biggest citywide massacre of all time. Thankfully, she's had a lot of time between high school and college to mature and level off her attitude. She's not quite there yet, but she's a lot better than she was.

Unlike Bruce Wanye and Dick Grayson, who both turned to crime fighting as a way to avenge their parents and make sure no other had to suffer as they did, the original motives behind Stephanie's multiple personas is a bit less inspiring. Though all she wanted at first was to stop her criminal father and throw him back behind bars, after accomplishing her goal, she continued to wear her Spoiler hood for one reason only. She was addicted to the thrill. Sure, she wants to make sure no girls have to grow up and go through the situations she did, but at the end of the day, Stephanie enjoys running around in a costume at night, letting her aggression out on nameless thugs who picked the wrong night to harass someone. As Batgirl, however, her intentions have matured. With Bruce dead and Tim throwing down his Robin mask forever, Gotham needs a bat to look up to. And while Dick and Damien are doing an alright job as the new Batman and Robin, the two of them can barely leave the batcave without bickering with each other. Wearing the bat symbol across her chest provides a great source of pride for Stephanie and she only hopes that it is a title she can live up to.

[Specialties/Abilities] Having trained under some of the greatest fighters of her age (Bruce Wanye, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, the Birds of Prey, etc), Steph has become quite an accomplished martial artist. A naturally skilled acrobat as evidenced by her years in gymnastics, she's known for being both fast and flexible, her fighting specialty being a roundhouse right cross. During her time as Robin, Bruce Wayne put Stephanie to the test for months to prepare her for a job he wasn't sure she could handle. Putting her through the usual martial arts and acrobatic training, he also included strength training, lessons on stealth, improving her detective skills, and basic interrogation training. Though he expected no less of her than he did the other Robins (which was quite a high expectation), Steph rose to meet every challenge with her unbridled enthusiasm and overcame them all.

She also has basic first aid skills and CPR under her batbelt, able to treat anything up to a bullet wound. She's skilled with the gadgets she uses, can ride a motorcycle, and was a member of a softball team for a few seasons. Don't mess with this girl if she has a bat in her hands.

Also, though hopefully not something to come up again, Stephanie has very high tolerance for pain. Before her 'death', she was tortured for hours with an electric drill and then shot. She still managed to make it to the clinic and warn her friends.

[Affection] If she doesn't know you, she will be weirded out.
[Fighting] Steph is an expert at fighting and I encourage anyone who wants to fight to go right ahead! Killing (again) just needs to be run by me.

[Other Permissions] While I don't mind if one or two people find out about her secret life at night, I'd rather it not become public knowledge at least for a little while.

[Other Facts] She's had many secret identities (The Spoiler, Robin, Batgril, etc) and also knows many other people's real names. She's a little loose when it comes to identities, accidentally blurting out her comrades names at inconvenient times or taking off her mask to show her face. Derp, Steph.

profile meme, somarium, ooc

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