With apologies to Tracy, of course. Here, have
a link to a pretty picture of my newbie to make it all okay.
The Newbie:
Warren Worthington III
Introducing Angel!
The Canon:
Okay, I have some explaining to do. I was going to app from Marvel 616 (Mainstream) canon. Right up until the Monday of the last week of apps, when I looked at the canon, and then I looked at Warren. And then I looked at Jono. And I realized that if I apped 616 Warren, then I would end up playing out not one, but two future X-Men who have very obvious physical mutations, who at one point or another suffer grievous bodily harm which is fixed in one way or another by Apocalypse in a manner that turns their skin a shade not found in nature, who at some point dates Paige Guthrie.
... Yeah.
The fact that I had over sixty issues of X-Men comic canon to read in that last week stint before I could app him had nothing to do with it. Nor did the fact that the movie was shorter and Ben Foster is hot and Elaine is an enabler. These are not the droids you are looking for. *waves hands*
There's not... Really much that can be said about the X-Men movieverse. Except that it's all wrong, and it exists mostly for the pretty, and it makes most comic fans beat their foreheads against walls, and also, it's full of very yummy people and plenty of shit blows up.
The X-Men movies happen in a universe where M-Day happens on a much smaller, mostly voluntary scale and has nothing to do with the Scarlet Witch, where the Phoenix is a result of some kind of plot-devicey mental illness brought on by Xavier playing a game of mindrape-for-the-greater-good, where Scott Summers dies offscreen, where the original X-Men (Beast, Iceman, Cyclops, Jean, and Angel) for the most part don't ever actually work with one another, even the Morlocks are pretty, most character relationships in the movie have nothing to do with relationships that happen in canon, Professor Xavier is reincarnated into the body of a large black man who has no higher mental functions, and Wolverine breaks down and cries like a baby at least twice.
In other words, the movieverse is what would happen if Marvel's Earth 616 as a whole was thrust into a permanent case of Soap Opera Weekend.
The Character:
Fair, with blond hair and blue eyes, Warren Kenneth Worthington III is pretty much everything you'd expect to see in a kid whose dad struck it rich running a big-time pharmaceutical company. He comes from money, and the clothing that he wears- most typically sporting a long jacket- doesn't appear to be cheap in any way. Of course, the same clothing hides his well-toned frame, and the large pair of white feathered wings, sixteen feet from wingtip to wingtip, that have grown from his back.
He molts. I own a cockatiel and thus I suspect that this involves a great deal of featherdust. I pity his roomie.
This particular Warren is notably more wary in his mannerisms than the one from the comic canon. It's not that he's shy, per se. The problem is probably due to the fact that he's had to hide a pretty pivotal piece of who he is for more than half of his life now, and his father has been treating his wings as an illness. He's been out and about, sure, but always with his wings well-hidden. And, while he's used to the little luxuries that money can afford, all of the credit cards to the family name can't really buy a sense of acceptance among peers that he's never had.
I give him maybe a week in Fandom and a good stretch of his wings before he's walking with a swagger and trying to pick up the local females, though. Warren Worthington III is Warren Worthington III no matter what canon he's from, kthx. He is educated and pretty and a wee businessman in the making, and he knows it.
... Parents, hide your daughters.
Powers? Hard To Miss, but Easy To Hide; Notes on Warren's Mutation:
* Wings! A big ol' pair of feathery bird wings, growing from his back. His mutation means that Warren is essentially made for the purpose of flying. He's got hollow bones, which make him a heck of a lot lighter than the average human, he's muscular, with hardly any fat on his body, his eyes are resistant to high-velocity winds, and even his lungs are adapted to allow him to gather oxygen from the air at high altitudes.
... Heck, he's just a really sexy bird. With wings that are so flexible that he can hide them under a coat with the help of some straps, and you can hardly tell that there's anything under there that shouldn't be.
* Marvel Wiki says that movie-Warren is just as strong as your average human male of his size. I'm not sure where they got this wacky notion, considering he busts his way clear of medical restraints that are made for the sole purpose of holding down people who are panicking and struggling with all their might. And then he catches a full-grown man in free-fall in mid-air without faltering much at all, here. So, because of that, I'm going to go with the powers that are outlined for him in comic canon- He's got above-average upper-body strength to account for that massive pair of wings being able to hold him aloft (realistically, if he didn't, he'd break his hollow freaking backbones trying to fly), and he's got equally awesome stamina, to be able to remain airborne for prolonged periods of time.
* The limits of his flight are as follows: He typically flies at around speeds of 70 mph (112 kph for my own benefit, as I'm all Canadian and don't understand the significance of a mile), in a dive he can reach up to 180 mph (290 kph), and the fastest that he can fly when he's not in a dive and doesn't have a tailwind is around 150 mph (240 kph holy crap the boy is fast), a speed that he can push himself to maintain for about a half an hour before he wears himself down. He prefers to fly below the clouds, but can easily reach altitudes of up to 10,000 feet (3000 meters). That said, if he strains himself really, really hard, he can reach as high as 29,000 feet (8840 meters) above sea level. He can't maintain that height for long, no. In fact, getting to that point in the first place is likely to leave him in a near-plummet.
*Comic-canon Warren also has a regenerative healing factor that shows up as a secondary mutation, which allows him to repair damaged tissue far faster than the average human. Considering Movie-Canon Warren pretty much sawed his wings off as a kid, and now they're sixteen feet from wingtip to wingtip, I figure it's safe to assume that he's inherited the same healing ability that he's got in the comics, but at a much earlier point in his life. There's no word in the movies that so much as mentions if that ability can be used to heal others through blood transfusion as he can in the comics, but it stands to reason that it would be there as well, as most of his powers have remained consistent between both continuities in spirit if not in chronology. And so Warren's blood will be able to heal those who are injected with it, just so long as they have a compatible blood type.
... No, I have no idea what his blood type is, either, or what constitutes compatibility with it. The power of handwavey is strong with me and Marvel both. And anyhow, I'm going to play it so that he's got no idea that his blood has the potential to do this anyhow, for the time being. Where in his life would he have ever had the opportunity to put this to use? Maybe someday, game. Maybe someday.
* So, pretty much everything that they list in the Marvel Wiki's
powers section for comic-canon Warren applies to this one, too.
The Psionic Furnace:
Jonothon Starsmore
Jono is...
* Emo. And goth. Emoth? Gemo?
* Perpretually on fire from the mouth to the bellybutton. He keeps it all hidden under bandages, typically, but the burn scars on his face are still visible.
* This means, unfortunately, that he can't eat. Can't speak aloud. Can't kiss (to his great woe). He makes up for the not talking thing by speaking telepathically. With a British accent. Snarkily.
* Dating Didi, or Death of the Endless. They're cute, though it's amazing that he doesn't have her pulling her hair out in frustration just yet.
* Far more of a woobie than he'll ever let on. Honest.
* He's a musician. He's gotten far more opportunity to play with his music here on Fandom Island than canon ever really affords him. Mean canon. Mean.
* He has a bit of
an aura. You know. One of those huge, sprawling, technicolour ones, which you're welcome to see if you have a character who is aura-sensitive.
* And he's kinda stinky. That sort of 'burning tires' smell that you'd expect from a dude who has been on fire for the better chunk of a year, now.
* And if you want his original infopost, you can see it over
The Puppy:
Zack Fair
Zack is...
* Adorable and bouncy and also adorable.
* Pre-canon, and will be living out his canon during his time in FH. Yes. All of it.
* Probably the only character I will ever play who believes in the healing powers of the human heart, and sunshine and lollipops and rainbows and all of that junk.
* A guy with eyes so blue, they might as well be luminescent. This blue does not exist in nature. Really. Well, maybe the sky. This is very noticeable, yes.
* The owner of a rather large sword. But not the iconic rather large sword. Just yet.
* Made of UST. Made of it. With everyone he talks to. Ever. It's canon.
* Oddly prone to befriending everyone he meets. Everyone. He loves you alllll.
* From another world, yes, but that other world is surprisingly modern, monsters and magic aside.
* A GaryStu in the worst way. The worst way ever. And yes, I admit that. Heck, so does Square-Enix.
* The owner of Mr. Winkles, the world's most psychopathic gerbil. He was a present from Deadpool. Awwww.
* A bit of a woobie, lately, because his canon is finally starting to play out. Canon is not nice to Zack. He'll be back to his happy, happy denial in no time, honest.
* The Important Part is Here: If you happen to be one of the people in-game who either already knows or stumbles across the details of Zack's future, I would appreciate so very much if you don't spoil him about it. He knows about the state of Midgar in several years time, he's been told. But if you tell him about his personal fate, I will personally hunt you down and beat on you with wet noodles. Along the same line, if you know, please don't run around broadcasting that information to other characters unless you get the permission of both myself and the player of the character you're blabbing to. If your character does know for some reason, pleasepleaseplease e-mail me or ping me on AIM so that we can work around it. Thank you.
* And if you want his original infopost, you can see it over
The Alumni:
Reno is....
* A natural ginger. No, really. The blue in his eyes is less natural, however.
* The fastest of the Turks. Blink and you miss him.
* The go-to guy if you're a rookie and you need someone to take you under his wing.
* Hot. And he knows it.
* That guy with the speech tic that has him saying "yo" and variations of it after almost everything he says.
* That guy with the face tattoos. The red things, under his eyes. He has other ink, which he got since coming to Fandom. The sun on his bicep, and the baby chocobo with a bottle of mezcal on his butt, however, aren't nearly as obvious as those ones on his face.
* Trouble. And he knows it.
* Guilty. This is not a running theme, dammit. His world was almost obliterated, and he was among the obliterators. So he has his reasons. More recently, it's because he knows stuff about Zack that other people don't. Emo emo emo woe yadda yadda.
* The owner of a dumbass ferret named Mako.
* A helicopter pilot, and damn proud of it.
Rikku's boyfriend.
* A total dipshit when he wants to be. A total hardass when he needs to be. And a professional asshole.
* A wee bit of an AU thanks to a movie that retconned itself. Thanks for that Advent Children remake, Square-Enix.
* Living in a city called Edge on the planet of Gaia, doing freelance work for the World Regenesis Organization.
* And if you want his original infopost, it can be found over
here. The Teacher:
Nathan Algren
Algren is...
* Formerly the teacher of American History, Culture Shock, and Sex Thru The Ages. This term, he's teaching Japanese Etiquette and Tradition. Because he's enamored with the culture, and it's a topic I can actually BS my way through, woo!
* Tom Cruise.
* A man who is constantly reminding himself how seriously misplaced he is, here.
* ... Still a drunk, though less than before his trip to Japan.
* Gremlin bait.
* Oddly prone to befriending the most eccentric individuals he meets.
* Guilty guilty guilty.
* Bitter bitter bitter.
* In his mid-to-late 30s, though he looks older. Because he is still Tom Cruise, who is in his 40s umkay. Attractive. Even if he is scruffy. Tired.
* From the year 1876 1877. Which he will inform you at every possible opportunity.
* A veteran of the American Civil War. He wears his blue uniform around from time to time. Because it's one of about three outfits he has to his name.
* A cunning linguist. He blabbers on in fluent Blackfoot. Or, he would, if there was anyone around who knew Blackfoot to listen. He also speaks fluent Japanese. That part is new-ish.
* An effin' Samurai.
* And if you want his original infopost, you can see it over
The Mun:
A Weirdo
Shannon is...
* The mun formerly known as iBook/Macbeef/Macbeth.
* Hooked on Final Fantasy and X-Men things. I blame Relly for the first. I blame everyone else for the second.
* GETTING A KITTY ON TUESDAY. This has nothing to do with the game, but I am squeeing about it everywhere else, so...
* The sort who probably has a type. If so, it is apparently "Male." Or, better yet, "Male and tortured and in denial about it la la la la la denial is pretty!" Or, lately, "Male, tortured, and with some kind of tie to a government organization of some sort." Or... maybe just "Weird."
* Lives on the East coast of Canada! In that magical time zone that America doesn't actually have. Which means I go to bed about an hour or so before a large chunk of the game does, and possibly before some people on the West coast even get home from work.
* And so slowplay is love, always.
* Employed, full-time weekdays. When I get home from work, I will smell like a french fry every day. Not that this affects you, but I like to share.
* Can be reached on AIM at raspberryturk or soldierhonour, with that 'U' in there because I am Canadian, dangit. *Hugs a moose.*
* Does not say it like "Aboot." ... Though she is starting to pick up on the Maritime accent, so "Aboat" is a vague possibility.
* Does, however, say "Eh." Often. And "Yo," but I blame that on Reno.
* Loves meeting people! If you ever want to thread or plot, ping me. I don't bite. :)