What's for Z-errt?

Mar 09, 2015 21:07

day 65: one random fact about yourself

I love to read/watch post apocalyptic sci-fi fiction.

day 66: if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who?

Does that mean you switch bodies or just lives? If bodies, it would be a guy. Cus why not experience life as the opposite sex? And since I'm going male, might as well choose someone with talent and good looks. Sufy Stevens?! Then I could rock out on like every instrument and sing and write meaningful music cus I would get his skills too, right? Fun times.

Now, if we're talking just switching lives, not bodies or minds, like I would be Jessica but inherit someone's job, money, home, spouse, etc for a day...it would be some lovely lady who lives the good life, spa, long mid-week lunches, exotic location travel, hair stylists, luxurious clothing, etc.
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