"It was like being in a candle store without a pipe bomb. Bad news."

Jul 29, 2004 00:06

Work today could be best described as 11 straight hours of stifling boredom. I use the quote in the title in reference to when the first evening show of Fahrenheit 911 let out. The place was empty, but then the lobby steadily filled with politically charged middle-aged and elderly men and women. Some were literally in tears after seeing such a great work of "genius." Others were upset by the fact that the former group was believing every word of Michael Moore's bullshit narrative. Still others were just sooo ready to sit and talk about the issues discussed, but worst of all, they all wanted to involve me. As much as I loathe political discussions in the first place, especially with strangers (who find it even harder to grasp the fact that I am undeniably right over 100% of the time), tonight I was violently opposed to the very idea of a political conversation with people who I'm sure were the cream of the Eldersburg crop, so to speak. "It was like being in a candle store without a pipe bomb. Bad news." Well put.

Tomorrow, or this morning should I say, I'll be leaving for Myrtle Beach. Having not been on a vacation for at least 2 weeks now, I could use the break. I get back on the 7th or something like that.

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