I can't believe this.

Jan 08, 2008 15:02

Sabrina's mother (L's one of Sabrina's personalities, Coil's one of his, and I guess I'm one of Coil's) gets this Glamour magazine. I picked it up because it said it would tell me about my insecurities, which was bullshit. These women who write magazines about sex appeal know nothing about men.

But this magazine is marketed to women who will buy $56 lip powder. I didn't know what lip powder was, but all it is is translucent powder girls put on after their lipstick. That's a rip off. This magazine was selling dresses for $2720, shoes for $550, jackets for $465, purses for $350, skirts for $295, belts for $125. They printed a letter from some woman who wasn't too hopeful about finding shoes under $200. There was an ad for a slenderizing, 10 calorie, low carb, energy drink right after an article about anorexia. What are they really saying?

The best part was this ad: "You know that feeling when you find the perfect fit. And we're not talking jeans.
The Natrelle Breast Enhancement Collection. A complete line of breast implant styles to help you find your perfect fit."

Are these women going around having plastic surgery after plastic surgery, trying to find the perfect pair of breasts? How do these people live like that? I can't believe that anyone reads this magazine. I can't believe that I know anyone who reads this magazine. I wish there was wood in the fireplace so I could burn it.

I know I used to have a whole apartment furnished by IKEA, but I didn't spend over $2,000 on my clothes. I don't know what the male equivalent of lip powder is, but I never would have bought $56 shaving cream.

I wish Tyler wasn't hiding, or whatever he's doing. I need someone to talk to so I won't keep reading these depressing magazines. I'm trying to cut this, but I don't know if it's working.

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