A few days ago
Guinevere and I were actually able to catch a few moments together. And even though she spent some of those precious moments pointing the possible dangers of my tournament idea (possible dangers for less talented knights rather), I'd give anything to be able to have that happen on a regular basis.
But since then I've been tied up so much by the council and petioneers that I've barely had time to breathe. I'm so tired I could sleep right now, except Merlin is still bustling around in here making all kinds of noise.
Speaking of Guinevere, I've been advised by Elyan that her birthday is only five days away, so now I really need to do something for her, something more than a lavander tree...bush thing.
Of course, I haven't got a clue on what that could be and I don't have anyone I can ask, I mean, what exactly could Merlin or Gaius suggest to me?
Perhaps I should cut my losses and ask Monmouth, although if I was going to do that I really should have asked more than a week out.
And Merlin's finally stopped banging around and my pillow calls.
Perhaps something will come to me in a dream...