Although I shouldn't act like it's the end of the's only a
cold, but really, she shouldn't have been at work today!
Do the servants get sick pay? I must look into that...
I was actually...rather glad to be distracted by Guinevere, because earlier today I discovered...
she wasn't a dream. The...ghost Morgana I's really true, some universe Morgana died...was killed even and now is a ghost. A very lonely ghost. But she seems happier now that I'm around, apparently other Arthur's have been treating her terribly, and neither of us can figure out why. She's a bit different from my Morgana though...apparently she's magical (I don't know what to make of that...except I shudder to think what might have happened to her had Father found out) and related to...of all people, Morgause. Just writing all that down makes me realise why I thought I was imagining things!
But as I said she's real enough, for a ghost I mean. But either way I want to help her out. And if I ever find her Merlin, I'll have to kill him. He killed her!
And frankly I don't want to think too much about that.