Jan 31, 2007 20:39
so its been so long since ive updated.. i thought i would fill everyone in.
recently theres been quite a few changes.
today was officially my last day of high school ever.. i wrote my history exam.. and i think i can say it went alright. i really wish i could say the same thing about math.. because i totally bombed it.
and speaking of school.. i applied to a few universities a couple weeks ago;
1. OCAD for 2D advertising design
2. York for graphic design
3. Guelph for co-op real estate (lol, i know im not going to get in though.. my math mark is going to be too low)
4. and Ryerson for psycology.
other than ocad and maybe york the others are just fillers.. im really riding on ocad.. my interview is feb 21 and im already so nervous and anxious and freaking out.. and i decided not to start working full time until after my interview.. so that i have plenty of time to perfect my portfolio.
i also joined a gym.. its going well... i only just started, and omg, my muscles are killlllllllllling me...
im no longer vegetarian... yea thats right.. i decided to start eating meat again only because i just cant work out and build muscle without a lot of protein.. and im too irresponsible to put a lot of effort into a high-protein vegetarian diet... so no more..
and i dunno.. im just living... im really starting to become a happier person.. i like it.
OH, and europe for three weeks this summer, FOR SURE :D