I'm back home again--just for Tanabata, so it won't be long but--it's nice. I guess it's celebrated in other places, too? I haven't been home to celebrate it in... in a few years. Everyone's in such good moods, and the damage from when Mizuho was attacked isn't as noticeable anymore.
I don't--I haven't been home enough to get my own kimono since I was a kid so--I got, well, they're letting me use... my grandmother's. I never met her, but my grandfather used to talk about her a lot. It's... nice to be trusted with it.
They don't really make any like this anymore, either. It's pretty comfortable on top of that. I--I like it.
I'll be around. I'm pretty excited for the fireworks later. I... kind of want to go sit on my roof. I keep hearing laughter, too. This is... the village I remember.