Jul 31, 2007 15:00
Hey, hey, I saw some posters a while back about a masquerade! That sounds awesome compared to some stuff that's been happening so far. Yo, Spike! You wanna go togther? We can have matching costumes. *goofy grin*
There was an email that mentioned free costumes over at a mansion somewhere! What're waiting for? Let's go! X3
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((Incidentally, that's the question I wanted to ask about Zack. He didn't happen to see Cloud's gender confused episode from the Lifestream, did he? *evil cackles*))
[Private to Cloud, Unhackable]
Hey, if Aeris could find you a dress back home, then I'm pretty sure we can find one for you here! ^^
Besides... I think you'd look hot in a dress. *wink*
That was extenuating circumstances! I-- I-- Zack! *blush!*
Oh Gaia. This is not happening.
My chest is too flat. It won't fit. Really, it won't.
And, yes, Cloud, it *is* happening. *puppy dog eyes* You'll do it for me, won't you? *trembling bottom lip*
But you managed to fool loads of people the last time. <3
[[OOC: LOL. Does that answer your question? I figure, even if Zack didn't see it, Aeris would've happily given him all of the details. *laugh* Ne, are you online now? :3]]
But-- It's a dress, Zack. For a girl. And you don't need any saving.
... Are you saying I look like a girl?
((That very much answers my question. ;D And Zack should be ashamed of himself for corrupting Aeris like that. :3 Not online right now since I'm at work. ^^; But if you're still on in about two hours, I'll be on at home!))
... So you won't do it? Not even for me? *wibbles*
No, I'm saying you're good enough to trick people into thinking you're one.
[[OOC: Hey, who said Aeris wasn't already like that *before* she met him? ^^ I'll be in school around that time. And I'm kinda busy today. =_= Let's just try to figure something out next time, okie? ^^;;]]
... Fine. But I'm not wearing the thong.
((LOL, well Zack sure didn't help tone it down in Aeris.
Heh, we seem to be at opposite time zones. ^^; Sorry about that! But yes, we'll figure something out next time. I can see so much potential for chaos and mayhem now that Zack's dragging Cloud around with him on schemes. <3))
((Strike outs typed and deleted.))
^^;; Hey, I never asked you to go *that* far did I? Though that would've been really hot.
[[OOC: That's because he loves her as she is. <3
I know, right? Knowing Zack, he'll probably be able to drag the rest of his new friends in, too.]]
[[Strikes semi-legible.]]
... ...... They give me wedgies.
((Well yes, there is that. XD))
((Strike outs typed and very much deleted.))
... *snicker*
[[OOC: Cloud's strikes were undeleted by Zack and read (though no one else can read them - I'm not *that* mean). Zack's strikes were typed and permanently deleted... Sorry, couldn't resist. *laugh*]]
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