Oct 16, 2004 06:15
haha...lmao last night was so fun. I went to the game and had a blast..i thought cus of the whole justin thing that i wud be all sad but lol its lke i forgot bout him. Well at first wen i got to the game i was all blah and sad and bored but then we met up with natalie, belinda, joey,and, ragu lmao. We wached a lil bit of the game and jess called us she was on her way omg i luv her she is the life of the party so she came..and from there i had such a blast i met so many ppl. And not demention the hot guys i was playing football wit lol. Omg jess's brother has changed so much i was lke wow lol and hes lke amy omg i havent seen u since u were a lil short shit but u arent so lil anymore lmao. So ya i realized theres more fish im the see i just needed to move on and thats wat i did. HaHaha life dosent suck that bad..actully its realy good. well tonight i wanna do sumthing go to the movies sumthing lke that...so if any of u wanna come jus post a coment or im me but i have practice from 9:00-12:00 at three oaks park (whole bunch of us running round in sports bras lol). ok well im gonna go cus its lke 6:00 am lmao idk guess i cudnt sleep. and i learned sumthing else today make the best out of everything every bad thing can be postotive...
hehee....im single any takers lmao j.p