pleep blop bloop

May 04, 2009 23:38

Life goes on.....

I was really hopeful about getting a fed gov job at the veteran’s affairs admin that was hiring a bunch of people, but I got an e-mail that basically said, "we had too many applicants and couldn't read yours. We give pref to vets and we had more than enough of them." So that sucks. It would have been nice too as it would have been a guaranteed at least 38k because of my good academic standing past. I am just exhausted when it comes to job searching. I HATE getting all psyched about some job and then not getting it, or getting REALLY close and then not getting it. Anyway....

One of my ESL students is going back to Africa for several months. I hadn't realized that his wife and children are still there and he hasn't seen them in two and a half years. Apparently his wife has some legal issues when it comes to having her immigration OKed. I was talking to the beginner level teacher and he said he had a lawyer friend working on it, but it really didn’t look good. I wonder what he can do if there is no hope. I mean that has to be a horrible situation. I wonder if he even has an option of going back. I mean do you stay and maybe bring your children over? Do you stay and let them stay and then just send them money? Do you go back despite the possible risks? I don't know his story, but he is from Liberia, a place of not so great political stability, and it could be that he just can't go back. It's an impossible situation. I hope she can get the issues figured out. He is such a nice man, and he is so smart and clever. He deserves a good second chance with his family.

My garden is meandering along. I am excellent at growing lettuce. Time will tell when it comes to the squash, carrots, eggplants, and other things. I still need to plant my herb pots and till and seed my flower garden. I'm not too late yet, but I can't wait too much longer. I was going to get most of it done Saturday, but I woke up with some really sore muscles (for some unknown reason) and I took one of my mom's muscle relaxers, and let me tell you I was out for teh count. I was SO EXHAUSTED. I couldn't even muster enough energy to cross the room. So that pretty much shot the productivity of my weekend.

Last Thursday I had an MRI for some shoulder pain. Usually I'm not claustrophobic but the position in I was in was very coffin-like and I DO have a fear of being buried alive, so I was freaking out a bit. But then I realized that I could twist my head to look above me to the opening on the end of the machine and feel MUCH better. So all was good.

Nothing much else going on. I am looking forward to summer movies. I went to see Wolverine Origins and was PISSED that Gambit didn't have a Cajun accent. I mean what's the fucking point then? Next is Star Trek, I may go see the Thursday showings. I am also pissed thought that movie prices at the theater i usually go to went up. I'm going to have to start going to the other one.
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