Dec 31, 2008 13:30

this year you..
( ) stayed single
( ) got your first kiss
( ) kissed someone new
(x) made-out
( ) made-out for the first time
(x) made-out in a car
( ) kissed in the snow
(x) kissed in the rain
( ) fell in love
( ) fell in love with a fool
( ) had your heart broken
( ) broke someone else's heart
( ) had a stalker
(x) had a good relationship with someone
( ) questioned your sexual orientation
( ) came out of the closet
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) gotten someone else pregnant
( ) had an abortion
( ) gotten married
( ) had a divorce
( ) had a gay marriage
(>) kissed someone of the same sex (On the cheek.)
(x) dated someone you'll never forget
( ) done something you've regretted
( ) lost your first love
( ) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under mistletoe


(>) got a promotion (RC '09-'10!)
( ) got a pay raise
( ) changed jobs
( ) lost your job
( ) quit your job
( ) dated a co-worker
( ) dated your boss
( ) dated your boss' daughter/son
( ) got fired from your job
( ) got straight A's
(x) met one teacher you really like
(x) met one teacher you really hated
(>) found the subject you love (Still love the one I loved before!)
( ) failed a class
(x) cut class
(x) skipped school
( ) got into a fight with a classmate
(x) did something you were proud of
( ) discovered a new talent
( ) gave the teachers a reason to teach
( ) proved yourself an idiot
( ) embarrassed yourself in front of the class
(x) fell in love with a teacher (Ralph Williams, anyone?)
( ) got lead in the school play
( ) made a varsity team
(x) were involved in something you'll never forget


( ) painted a picture
( ) wrote a poem
( ) ran a mile
(x) listened to music you couldn't stand
(x) double-dipped
( ) skinny-dipped
(x) went to a sleepover
( ) went to camp[ing]
( ) threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants
(>) flirted shamelessly (Does it count if it's with your boyfriend? Hehe.)
( ) visited a foreign country
( ) visited a foreign state
(>) cooked a disastrous meal (Olive oil brownies--not my choice!)
( ) turned 16
( ) lost something important to you
(x) got a gift you adore
(x) realized something new about yourself
( ) went on a diet
( ) tried to gain weight
( ) dyed your hair
( ) came close to losing your life
( ) someone close to you died
( ) went to a wild party
(x) drank alcohol
(x) drank alcohol underage
(x) did (a) drug(s) (Caffeine.)
(>) got drunk
( ) got arrested
(x) read a great book
(x) saw a great movie
( ) saw a movie so scary that it made you cry
( ) saw your favorite band/artist live
( ) saw someone famous in person
(x) did something you want to tell everyone
(x) enjoyed this year overall

In the beginning of 2008...

Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
How old were you?: Nineteen.
What was your outlook on the world?: Mixed, sort of. I felt fairly capable.
How were you doing at school/your job?: I didn't have a job, and school was going all right.
What did you most look forward to?: Hmm. Weekends. The summer. Fun events.
Did you make New Year's Resolutions?: Nope.
What was your biggest worry?: Not doing well enough in my classes.
Who was/were your best friend(s)?: Nate, Ashlie, Shaza, Jess.
What did you do with your spare time?: ...What spare time?!
What did you do for fun? Chatted with people, did my homework? Spent time with Nate, watched movies, had a lot of lunch dates with friends.

In the middle of 2008-- the summer!

Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
Had your outlook on the world changed?: Not tremendously. I think I was a bit more optimistic.
What did you spend your summer doing?: Volunteering at the hospital and lab, taking biochem, cooking, living two doors down from Nate, going home every other weekend, talking to Jess on the phone nonstop.
Did you get tan?: I barely got even freckly.
Who'd you hang out with, mainly?: Nate. Not many people were around Ann Arbor in the summer.
Did you go visit anywhere?: I'm having a hard time remembering for some reason, but I really don't think I did.
What was your biggest worry?: That I wouldn't get into med school.
What was the most fun event that happened?: Not really a single event, I guess. I just really liked having my own room and cooking every day and being able to watch as much Lost as I wanted after getting back from volunteering. I really enjoyed not having to study for the second half of the summer.

And as the year draws to an end...

Still got a significant other? Indeed!
How old are you?: Twenty.
What major changes have happened since the year began? I feel more responsible and independent, and I've definitely become more outgoing. All good things, I think.
Is your life any different from when it started this year?: Yeah. Being an RA has changed some things. And I'm more confident about school, too.
What thing that happened stands out in your mind?: Becoming an RA and all that goes along with it. I know it sounds stupid, but it really has changed a lot for me. I'm really into it.
How have you changed?: I'm much more assertive than I used to be. And my hair is shorter. :p
What was the most embarrassing moment?: Hah. Probably the one between Colin and me a couple weeks ago. But even that wasn't too bad.
Are you happy with how the year went?: Overall, I'd have to say yes.
What thing would you change if you could?: I would've studied harder.

For 2009...

What do you plan to not do that you did this year?: Get cocky about classes.
Do you think it'll be better than this year? Each year always seems a bit better than the year before.
Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year?: Eh. No, probably not.
What do you plan to do next year?: Take the MCAT, have a job that actually pays, and grow even more.
What are your pre-New Year's resolutions?: I don't really make any.
Who are you spending New Year's Eve with?: Nate and his gang. And then just Nate.

In 2008 You...

{ } broke a promise
{>} made a new best friend (Made some new good friends, for sure.)
{>} fell in love (Stayed in love.)
{ } fell out of love
{ } done something you swore never to do
{x} lied
{x} stole (Unintentionally, I swear! I still feel bad about that.)
{ } went behind your parents back
{>} cried over a broken heart (Someone else's.)
{>} disappointed someone close
{ } hidden a secret
{>} pretended to be happy
{ } got arrested
{x} kissed in the rain
{ } slept under the stars
{ } kept your new years resolution
{ } forgot your new years resolution
{x} met someone who changed your life
{ } met one of your idols
{x} changed your outlook on life
{x} sat home all day doing nothing
{ } pretended to be sick
{ } left the country
{ } almost died
{ } given up something important to you
{ } lost something expensive
{x} learned something new about yourself
{x} tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
{x} made a change in your life
{>} found out who your true friends were
{x} made a total fool of yourself
{x} met great people
{>} enjoyed your year to the fullest no matter how weird, crazy, stupid, or abnormal you looked while doing it
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