new bus story

Mar 05, 2009 19:28

i have been saying 'gotcha' a lot, meaning i understand. i need to break this. but maybe i shouldn't until i can remember what the hell it replaced.

i heard the most peaceful 'step down' the other day. on buses in the city there is a green light that turns on at the back door. bus virgins (as i call them, or people that for some reason or other don't know...)stand at the back door when the green light goes on. if they step down, the doors will open. much like walking up to an electric sliding door at some public shopping place. usually this person will tell the bus driver "back door!" which is kind of interesting because you are not usually a bus virgin if you know to yell 'back door'. then the driver and two other passengers (on average) yell to the 'virgin': STEP DOWN. the virgin then looks confused like stepping down means stepping off a cliff. and two more times from random people: step down! step down! finally, the virgin --whofeels like an idiot, and in a lot of cases, looks like one--steps down. and magic doors open. freedom. off the bus they go putting the bus and the past behind them.

well, the other day i heard womenly voices in the most wonderful soft harmony say step down. i could've sworn an alien being was speaking through these women. a plurality that sounded singular. peaceful nuns. it didn't change the confusion of the bus virgin, but it was music to my ears.
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