Dec 16, 2011 16:37
[someone's front door is flying open in what appears to be an overzealous attempt to view the dazzling winterscape!! in fact, that isn't what it is at all. see that man? that redheaded man with a face like thunder and a dog's collar caught in two hooked fingers, the apparently offending animal looking somewhat guilty of the sins of which it has been charged?
yes, thought so. that man will be tramping out into the snow decked out in pajamas and dressing gown and slippers with a blanket wrapped tightly around his shoulders, and once he's far enough from the house will release that collar with angry vigor. he growls at the creature in a tone the dog itself could never even dream of and then snaps:]
An' stay out!
[tttttttturns and stalks off toward his front door. beneath the dog, the snow turns slowly yellow]
Somebody better have the name of a decent operatin' tat studio or I swear I'm gonna go on a snow-in-yer-pants spree. Anyone who ain't catchin' my drift, snow-in-yer-pants sprees involve you an' snow down yer pants.
oh dear jesus where did my tats go,