
Jul 19, 2007 08:20

Well for those of u that didn't know I'm up in Maine for the week. I'll be back in FL sometime Monday night. I'm up here helpign an old friend clean out his barn and yard.

Got here Tuesday night, We staying up at his camp on the lake mostly.Pretty much went to sleep since it was 2AM. Next day got up and spent all day out on the lake. Part of it was actually restful ou thtere on the canoe just enjoying the scenery. Then I got to work taking rocks out of the lake. This lake has a lot of rocks that if sort of washed up on the small 1ft beach he has. So I clean out as much as a i could in like a 10 ft section to give a little bit more of a walkway into the water. Still a lot of rocks but to give u a clue I took out about 3 1/2 55 gallon trash cans worth of rocks. Then I got to work cleanign up his garage a little bit. Then he got back from work we cooked some steaks on the grill and chilled.

Today hes at work and I'm at his house to work on his barn. Thats what I will be doing in about 2 hours. Got so much stuff in there some of it dateign back to early 1900's going to see what I can move around and what i can throw out. Also going to get to work cuttign down this freaking huge overgrown piece of bamboo. Its freakign everywhere. But u guys shoudl see some of the stuff in the barn there is so really cool antique stuff in there. Anyways got to get to work probally fill in more tommorow.
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