Feb 13, 2005 19:19
im takin a quick break from studyin my ass of for my psych test. this is only psych 101, why is it so difficult for me to remember terms? i mean, i know the shit, i just cant remember the actual names for any of it. i got a 56% or something damn near that on the last test (maybe it was 65?) so i gotta get my ass in gear and do well on the rest of these so this class does not kill my gpa
funny that its my favorite class still. (besides the fact that erica is in there, and im doin bad in it so far) my mom did not make me feel any better when she told me that she got a 4.0 in it when she took it. (gee, thanks mom!) she meant well though, she was tryin to say if she could ace it, i could too. hahahaha yea right. too much shit on my mind.
im off to make another fifty million flash cards to try and study
au revoir!