Apr 02, 2009 21:46
This is not a night out. Turn up, order food, eat food, go home.
My uncle is over from America for the first time in about three years. In fact, now I think of it, I haven't seen him since my Granda's funeral. We figured we'd all go out for a meal. I was talking to him at the start of the night about maybe grabbing a couple of drinks afterwards. He was rather up for it, so long as he didn't have to drive. Its at this point we look at his wife drinking her glass of water. Apparently she wasn't prepared to drive. No reason was actually given. But no. We then suggested that we could always walk home, its only a mile and a half. This was unacceptable. Seemingly because there might be potholes in the pavement. This was the genuine reason given. I'm a bit miffed. A lot miffed. Okay, I'm pissed off. Still, I can go see him in three years maybe. I'll just have to try and time it for a time when she's away....
Today had been awesome too. It involved an awesome session where me and my lecturer really sorted out all of my procedure and analysis for my thesis. Its probably in its final form now...so long as my actual supervisor approves. Which she probably will, she doesn't seem...can I say, very good? When I went to see her, my stats knowledge was in advance of hers. That scared me a bit. I'm hopeful that she'll like it now anyway! I'm also chuffed because its actually even more like my original idea than what I was working with. So now I have a really tight design and the only thing thats not my idea totally is the method of analysis. that suits me fine, cause what I'm doing now is in advance of what i was capable of coming up with. Bizarrely the more 'advanced' Stats actually makes the whole thing simpler too! I'm very happy. I love Johannes Honnekop! I shoulda just gone to see him sooner!
Expect me to start spamming the internet soon with links to some of my studies too by the way. I'm hoping to have three up soon. One on what people look for in a partner, one on facial attractiveness, and if I can sort it, my thesis experiment will be online too. Much easier to get participants that way!
Thats the dull work stuff though. I also got to meet Kay in a park. I like Kay and parks. Cant go wrong. So long as you dont ask me to play cricket. Ahem. Shh. Anyways. I'm impressed that Kay has now made it to a place none of my prior girlfriends has ever made it to. My phone wallpaper. Good god I'm gay. But at least I'm gay for a hot girl, right? Meeting her mam too early next week. I'm sure that can only go well. My grandma says I should get a haircut first. Cheeky bugger :p
I must also appologise for my lack of public appearances recently. I'm desperately poor now, and work have cut my hours. Cause they're pricks. I'm also not local all that much at the moment for cheapo nights anyway. Plus I'm saving for download (badly). I'm also very busy at uni at the minute. I have my assignments in now, and my exam timetable (for my entire one exam), and my meta analysis, and my thesis. Busy + poor is getting in the way.
Feeling a tad down tonight for a change actually. Probs cause I'm feeling a bit iffy. And I'm annoyed. That doesn't help. Meh, I'll wake up happy probably.