[cpop] Mayday - Masquerade (Male, Female, One Body)

Jul 10, 2012 00:45

Masquerade (Male, Female, One Body)
Artist: Mayday
Album: Time Machine
Lyrics: Ashin
Composition: Ashin
Arrangement: Mayday

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Music Video

雌雄同體 Masquerade (Male, Female, One Body) *PM七點鏡子前的自己 琢磨屬於自己的美麗
 輕輕刮去嘴角鬍青 畫上我的本性 淡紫色眼影
*Seven PM, the mirror before me, pondering what truly is beauty
Lightly shaving off this stubble, applying eye shadow-lavender like me
Paint my lips pink and start murmuring
領帶要配蘇格蘭裙 和火一般的羽毛圍巾
只是我仍在反覆考慮 搭配幾號香精 做今晚的內衣
即使到最後你還是看不清 即使到最後你還是看不清
I’ll pair a tie with a tartan skirt, so it’ll set off this feather boa
But I’m still seriously pondering: what perfume works best here, for this night’s underwear.
Yet until the end you still can’t see clearly; yet until the end you still can’t see clearly.
 我可以是男是女 可以飄移不定 可以調整百分比
 只要你愛我一切都沒問題 只要你愛我一切都沒問題
#I want you to see me, there’s no need to guess, just enjoy it
I want you, to love me, there’s no need to guess, please just love me
I can be male or female, can hover in-between, can revise my whole body
[As] long as you love me then it’ll all be okay. [As] long as you love me then it’ll all be okay.
與其讓你瞭解我 我寧願我是一個謎
一個解不開的難題 真和假的秘密 扣你心弦的遊戲
模仿你或和你變成對比 參加你理想的愛情遊戲
Rather than you understand me-I’d rather be a mystery
A puzzle you just cannot solve, of what’s false and real, it’ll play at your heartstrings
I’ll play you, or play your opposite form; partake in this game of love that you’ve borne.
你也許避我唯恐不及 你也許把我當作異形
可是你如何真的確定 靈魂找到自己 的樣貌和身體
發現自己原來的雌雄同體 發現自己原來的雌雄同體
You perhaps make me feel I’m lacking; you perhaps take me to be a freak.
But how could you possibly confirm: when a soul finds it’s form-its pattern and body
Finds out it was both genders in one body; finds out it was both genders in one body.
Repeat # * Repeat # *

Further notes can be found [here]

I've sung my translation and it can be found [here] on youtube.

language: mandarin, translator: ri, type: singable, artist: mayday

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